Thursday, March 8, 2012


Today in International Women's Day! How exciting is that?? The whole world today is celebrating YOU! (well women)! Okay, the whole world might not be but they should! I am so proud to be a WOMAN...and I thankful to all the WOMEN in my life who have made me into the WOMAN i am....

My Grandmothers....Gayle....Oenone....Nan....Grandma Moon....Sister Tucker....
My Mothers....MOM....Julie....Sheri....Christina....Karen....Sister Bussey....Floss....Zim....Barbara....and many more!
My Aunts....Deanna....Candy....GayleAnn
My Sisters....Kristi....Trisha....Aubri....Splash!....Corinne...Dra....Lindsay...
My Friends....Splash!...Corinne....Brieanne....Ashlie....Jubee....Georgia....Dra...Barbara....Jennifer....
College Buddies (you know who you are!)
My Mentors...Floss...Zim...Carebear...Sunny....Bay....Amanda....Nandee....Tiffannie....Lori...Lori...
Kelly....Kim...(many of these women don't even realize how you were mentoring me but you did!)
My Inspirations....Sister Monson....Sister Hinckley....Kathleen....Lucy Jane Brimhall.....
Inez Knight...Floss....Zim....all my fellow Brighton Women.

There are also many men who have contributed to the woman I DAD....GRANDPA (all of them....related or adopted)....My Brother...Uncle Jim...friends....Fellow Missionaries....Men I had the Opportunity to Watch accept the Gospel (Brother Landon, Brother Hayes)...Presidents....Jack McDonald....and JOE (of course)!

"One of your unique, precious, and sublime gifts is your femininity, with its natural grace, goodness, and divinity.Femininity is not just lipstick, stylish hairdos, and trendy clothes. It is the divine adornment of humanity. It finds expression in your qualities of your capacity to love, your spirituality, delicacy, radiance, sensitivity, creativity, charm, graciousness, gentleness, dignity, and quiet strength. It is manifest differently in each girl or woman, but each of you pocessis it. Feminity is part of your inner beauty."
-President James E. Faust

So...follow this link and join others in this fabulous celebration!
How are You Going to Celebrate?

And to bring in the Pinterest....of course this is a Pinterest blog...i do see how pinterest can bring Women together....we share ideas, compliment each others work and show the world who we are through all that we pin, so next time you pin something great, or repin something great think about the great woman who first had the courage to put her idea out into the world!

-Brittany JOY

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